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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - assist


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  v.  1) помогать, содействовать  2) принимать участие (in)  3) присутствовать (at) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. ам. разг. помощь she finished her homework without an assist from her father —- она доделала уроки без помощи отца 2. тех. вспомогательный механизм 3. спорт. результативная передача 4. помогать, содействовать to assist smb. with smth. —- помочь кому-либо в чем-либо to assist with the form-filling, to assist to fill in the form —- помочь заполнить бланк to assist with money —- помочь деньгами the father assisted his son with his mathematics —- отец помогал сыну в математике good glasses will assist you to read —- в хороших очках вам будет легче читать 5. помогать, поддерживая to assist an old lady into the bus —- подсадить старую даму в автобус to assist a lame man up the stairs —- помочь хромому подняться по лестнице to assist a blind man across the street —- перевести слепого через улицу 6. принимать участие; ассистировать to assist in the work —- принимать участие в работе 7. ирон. только присутствовать (и ничего не делать) he assisted at the ceremony —- он присутствовал на церемонии, только и всего Id: to assist in the French sense —- присутствовать, не принимая участия ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  гл. 1) содействовать, помогать 2) принимать участие, присутствовать ASSISTANCE сущ. общ. помощь, содействие, поддержка assistance agreement — договор о помощи assistance to laid-off employees — помощь уволенным работникам economic assistance to depressed areas — экономическая помощь районам экономического бедствия technical assistance — техническая помощь medical assistance — медицинская помощь with the assistance of smb. — при поддержке (кого-л.) The company needs more financial assistance from the Government. — Компании нужна большая финансовая поддержка от правительства. The State Employee Assistance Program is designed to restore and strengthen the health and productivity of state employees. — Государственная Программа поддержки занятости разработана для восстановления здоровья и повышения производительности государственных служащих. They can offer advice and assistance to prisoners, ex-prisoners and their families. — Они могут предложить консультации и поддержку заключенном, бывшим заключенным и их семьям. ASSISTANCE сущ. помощь, содействие - Development Assistance Committee - Financial Assistance - adjustment assistance - assistance in grant from - development assistance - employment assistance - guarantee assistance - legal assistance - lend assistance - medical assistance - mutual assistance - public assistance - render assistance - use assistance ASSISTANCE помощь, содействие – legal assistance – technical assistance – use assistance ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  помогать, содействовать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. (often foll. by in + verbal noun) help (a person, process, etc.) (assisted them in running the playgroup). 2 intr. (often foll. by in, at) assist or be present (assisted in the ceremony). --n. US 1 help; an act of helping. 2 Baseball etc. a player's action of helping to put out an opponent, score a goal, etc. Derivatives assistance n. assister n. Etymology: ME f. F assister f. L assistere take one's stand by (as AD-, sistere take one's stand) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French ~er to help, stand by, from Latin ~ere, from ad- + sistere to cause to stand; akin to Latin stare to stand — more at stand  Date: 15th century  transitive verb to give usually supplementary support or aid to ~ed the boy with his lessons  intransitive verb  1. to give support or aid ~ed at the stove another surgeon ~ed on the operation  2. to be present as a spectator the ideal figures ~ing at Italian holy scenes — Mary McCarthy  II. noun  Date: 1597  1. an act of ~ance ; aid  2. the action (as a throw or pass) of a player who enables a teammate to make a putout or score a goal; also official credit given for such an action  3. a mechanical or electromechanical device that provides ~ance ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (assists, assisting, assisted) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you assist someone, you help them to do a job or task by doing part of the work for them. The family decided to assist me with my chores... Dr Amid was assisted by a young Asian nurse. = help VERB: V n with n, be V-ed 2. If you assist someone, you give them information, advice, or money. The public is urgently requested to assist police in tracing this man... Foreign Office officials assisted with transport and finance problems... The Authority will provide a welfare worker to assist you. = help VERB: V n in -ing, V with n, V n, also V n to-inf 3. If something assists in doing a task, it makes the task easier to do. ...a chemical that assists in the manufacture of proteins... Here are some good sources of information to assist you in making the best selection... VERB: V in/with n/-ing, V n in/with n/-ing ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 to help someone to do something, especially by doing all the less important things so that they can spend time doing difficult things  (assist (sb) with/in)  (I was employed to assist the manager with his duties.) 2 to make it easier for someone to do something  (They had no maps to assist them.)  (- see help1) ~2 n an action that helps another player on your team to make a point ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Army System for Standard Intelligence Support Terminals mil. abbr. Automated Systems Security Incident Support Team univ. abbr. Active Students Serving Instructing Socializing Together univ. abbr. Advanced Students Supporting Instructing And Servicing Technology univ. abbr. Australian Social Skills For International Students Training pos. abbr. Assistant Superintendent For School Improvement Supervision And Training ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1426, from M.Fr. assister, from L. assistere "assist, stand by," from ad- "to" + sistere "take a stand." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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